The full body revulsion I feel at that use of “protecting.” Lady, I am not a child, I am not harmed by encountering ideas I disagree with on the internet, and even if someone else’s ideas were capable of harming me I am perfectly able to take steps to prevent that harm, including not reading said content or even - gasp - not using a particular platform. Good lord.
The full body revulsion I feel at that use of “protecting.” Lady, I am not a child, I am not harmed by encountering ideas I disagree with on the internet, and even if someone else’s ideas were capable of harming me I am perfectly able to take steps to prevent that harm, including not reading said content or even - gasp - not using a particular platform. Good lord.
The full body revulsion I feel at that use of “protecting.” Lady, I am not a child, I am not harmed by encountering ideas I disagree with on the internet, and even if someone else’s ideas were capable of harming me I am perfectly able to take steps to prevent that harm, including not reading said content or even - gasp - not using a particular platform. Good lord.