Cool it with the "retard". Want to call him a jerk, a jackass, asinine, disingenuous, a self-righteousness fool more concerned with being on the right side than having his facts straight? Go right ahead. But "retard" is crass and smacks of making fun of actual disabled people.
Cool it with the "retard". Want to call him a jerk, a jackass, asinine, disingenuous, a self-righteousness fool more concerned with being on the right side than having his facts straight? Go right ahead. But "retard" is crass and smacks of making fun of actual disabled people.
Cool it with the "retard". Want to call him a jerk, a jackass, asinine, disingenuous, a self-righteousness fool more concerned with being on the right side than having his facts straight? Go right ahead. But "retard" is crass and smacks of making fun of actual disabled people.