I am not forty and take great exception to your comment!
Jokes aside, Katz is having a big sad that his precious media gatekeepers don’t have dominion over all mass communication. So he’s reduced to throwing tantrums in an effort to get clout.
I am not forty and take great exception to your comment!
Jokes aside, Katz is having a big sad that his precious media gatekeepers don’t have dominion over all mass communication. So he’s reduced to throwing tantrums in an effort to get clout.
I am not forty and take great exception to your comment!
Jokes aside, Katz is having a big sad that his precious media gatekeepers don’t have dominion over all mass communication. So he’s reduced to throwing tantrums in an effort to get clout.
Matt Taibbi said that Katz is "destined to be eulogized as a parrot on the shoulder of Received Wisdom," which is such a sick burn.