Why does AIDS/HIV affect only gay men and IV drug users in American and the Western world, but it's supposedly an epidemic among heterosexuals, females and children on the continent of Africa? Why is this virus different in different places?
One of the great (taboo) AIDS scandals was the administ…
Why does AIDS/HIV affect only gay men and IV drug users in American and the Western world, but it's supposedly an epidemic among heterosexuals, females and children on the continent of Africa? Why is this virus different in different places?
One of the great (taboo) AIDS scandals was the administration of AZT to tens of thousands of alleged AIDS patients (or people who allegedly had the virus HIV) .... and the drug killed untold thousands of said patients. The same thing has happened with remdesivir as an FDA-approved Covid treatment.
Anthony Fauci pushed both protocols.
In my view, it's okay to question the "settled" science. That's what you are supposed to do in science. If the only place you can do this is shows like Alex Jones or Joe Rogan's ... then you book an appearance on those shows. It's not like CNN is going to book you and let you talk about these topics on their airwaves.
"When did you stop beating your wife?" is the classic example of a dishonest loaded question, one that can't be answered with a straight yes or no because it either of those responses takes the assumption in the question for granted.
Bear in mind that since it is *you* who asserted "AIDS/HIV affect[s] only gay men and IV drug users in American and the Western world", the burden of proof is on you to explain how Arthur Ashe was secretly gay, an IV drug user, or didn't die of complications from AIDS. You also would need to to explain how all the women and children with HIV in this country got it from IV drug use rather than sex or blood transfusion. If you can do that without looking like the Pepe Silvia guy, you should get a medal.
You can also get AIDS from a blood transfusion, which is how Ash might have contracted the disease. RFK, Jr. and, I think, many others, speculate Ash didn't die because of AIDS but because he was given AZT.
I'll qualify my statement: 99 percent of AIDS victims in America who died got the virus from sexual intercourse or sharing contaminated needles (heroin drug addicts).
Am I correct in stating that most of the HIV/AIDS patients in Africa are NOT homosexual males or IV drug users?
Am I correct in saying the vast majority of AIDS victims in America ARE in these two groups?
I don't understand why the different outcomes and results in two different continents. This question makes me think the "science" on AIDS and HIV is not settled. A virus should affect people the same way regardless of where they live.
I started this thread only to dispute the author's apparent position that anyone who questions the HIV/AIDs theory should be cancelled or dismissed as some kind of kook.
Is the virus that causes Covid different in Europe than America?
Do you mean affect people the same way, or do you mean have the same demographics regarding infection? There's been a lot of research into the demographics aspect over the years. This one was from 24 years ago: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.288.5474.2153
I guess the different demographics who are "infected."
Why isn't HIV/AIDS a mortality risk to Americans who don't engage in homosexual sex or share used needles?
In the mid-1980s, the narrative was that AIDS was going to be a huge risk to every American. This did not turn out to be the case.
I compare it to the narrative that Covid was a mortality risk to "everyone." This clearly did not turn out to be the case. The average age of a Covid victim is 79 to 82 depending on the country's data you look at.
It's hard to find an example of a healthy person under 40 who definitively died "from" Covid.
I personally knew three people who were said to have died from Covid. They were 70, 80 and 81. That's in four years. So I personally knew/know nobody under the age of 70 who died from Covid.
That tells me Covid was NOT a real mortality risk to people under the age of 70. That's why I question the authorized narratives.
All things being equal, PIV is lower risk in terms of infection than anal, most gay men aren't also having sex with women, untreated STDs in areas with poor heathcare coverage up the risk across the board, and public health messaging in the US was a huge help in keeping the epidemic from completely breaking containment. (Ah, the joys of Gen X sex education and spending your teens being scared that if the nukes didn't get you killed, sex would! Not that it stopped us.)
I know some people under 40 without preexisting conditions who have post-viral issues because of COVID infections, especially those who caught it in 2020 when we were all immunologically naïve, so there are risks (overblown by many on the left, but not trivial) beyond just mortality.
That said, I strongly wish that the public health messaging had been more flexible/honest (just tell us when you don't know enough yet to know and update when you have better information, damn it) and that it hadn't become a political football, which I think happened at least in part because of the boneheaded decision to treat the protests about police brutality as if they were somehow a different risk level than mask protests were. (I ranted at length about this to my spouse at the time. It was such a stupid decision and undermined so much public trust, which was limited as hell in the first place here.)
No. In fact I think a really good metric to deduce the truth value of just about any claim would be to see what Alex Jones says about it and comfortably assume that the opposite is true in nearly every case.
Yeah. They’re generally safe and effective, which is what almost every credible scientist on earth has indicated when asked about the topic.
And there are plenty of reasons people aren’t getting boosters - I’d chalk it up to general fatigue and a feeling that after getting the initial vaccine they’re probably protected enough to where the virus won’t make them seriously ill or kill them. I’m serenely confident that “hundreds of millions” of people don’t agree with the “gay frogs” guy
Wilson, I think I scored a debating point because I got you to admit that 90 percent of the public doesn't feel they need any more booster shots. This is going against the guidance of those scientists and medical associations you reference. They are still encouraging "everyone" over 6 months old to get these shots. Certainly the CDC is. It seems to me this is an example of large swaths of the public that is not convinced that the "settled science" is settled. Legions of citizens are certainly voting with their own bodies to reject the authorized guidance.
... I've got to run. We're probably taking up too much of this Comment section. Take care. I enjoyed our debate.
I guess I can reply to Gavin. I agree that's the consensus CDC/Fauci-approved narrative on AZT. I just note that no small number of people dispute this conclusion. I'm probably different than most readers of this newsletter in that I don't automatically accept the pronouncements of the Science Establishment or Big Pharma as infallible truths. The same sources also say the Covid vaccines are incredibly safe, which I think is a mind-blowing assertion. Hasn't anyone noticed that all-cause deaths have exploded since the roll-out of the vaccines? The deaths can't be explained by Covid as the same experts say the shots are 95 percent effective at preventing death ... and 80 percent of the world was vaccinated.
I also think remdesivr has killed thousands of people and that drug's no doubt considered incredibly safe or it wouldn't have been approved by the FDA.
For alternative views on AZT, I'd recommend reading "The Real Anthony Fauci." Now I understand the author of that book has been officially labeled a kook and cancelled, but the book does include more than 2,300 citations and footnotes - so Kennedy is trying to back-up his claims with studies and evidence.
I read a book review of Deborah Birx's book (she's a Covid expert). The reviewer said her book didn't have one footnote in it. I thought that was a tell.
You have no understanding of virology or epidemiology. None.
Epidemics ARE different in different places, because of human behaviour and ACCESS TO MEDICINE, you absolute bore. Why is a cholera epidemic different in a country with no sanitation, compared to one that has sewers and flushing toilets?? Gee, that’s a tough one. Why is malaria more devastating in Africa than it it is in Greece? What a fucking conundrum! Someone call Sherlock Holmes.
You need to stop writing and start reading people who know what the fuck they are talking about. Then come back. Your lack of knowledge about HIV/AIDS should HUMBLE you, but of course, it won’t.
In Africa, HIV kills everyone because of poor sanitation and poor quality water. In America, the same virus doesn't kill everyone because our sanitation and water are better ... but it still kills gay men and IV drug users .... although, presumably, their sanitation and water systems are exactly the same as straight people and non-drug users. So I still don't get it.
Re: The settled science about AIDS/HIV ....
Why does AIDS/HIV affect only gay men and IV drug users in American and the Western world, but it's supposedly an epidemic among heterosexuals, females and children on the continent of Africa? Why is this virus different in different places?
One of the great (taboo) AIDS scandals was the administration of AZT to tens of thousands of alleged AIDS patients (or people who allegedly had the virus HIV) .... and the drug killed untold thousands of said patients. The same thing has happened with remdesivir as an FDA-approved Covid treatment.
Anthony Fauci pushed both protocols.
In my view, it's okay to question the "settled" science. That's what you are supposed to do in science. If the only place you can do this is shows like Alex Jones or Joe Rogan's ... then you book an appearance on those shows. It's not like CNN is going to book you and let you talk about these topics on their airwaves.
"Why does AIDS/HIV affect only gay men and IV drug users in American and the Western world"
When did you stop beating your wife?
What's your answer to the question? Why the difference in AIDS/HIV victims in America and Africa? I don't get the snarky analogy.
"When did you stop beating your wife?" is the classic example of a dishonest loaded question, one that can't be answered with a straight yes or no because it either of those responses takes the assumption in the question for granted.
Bear in mind that since it is *you* who asserted "AIDS/HIV affect[s] only gay men and IV drug users in American and the Western world", the burden of proof is on you to explain how Arthur Ashe was secretly gay, an IV drug user, or didn't die of complications from AIDS. You also would need to to explain how all the women and children with HIV in this country got it from IV drug use rather than sex or blood transfusion. If you can do that without looking like the Pepe Silvia guy, you should get a medal.
You can also get AIDS from a blood transfusion, which is how Ash might have contracted the disease. RFK, Jr. and, I think, many others, speculate Ash didn't die because of AIDS but because he was given AZT.
I'll qualify my statement: 99 percent of AIDS victims in America who died got the virus from sexual intercourse or sharing contaminated needles (heroin drug addicts).
Am I correct in stating that most of the HIV/AIDS patients in Africa are NOT homosexual males or IV drug users?
Am I correct in saying the vast majority of AIDS victims in America ARE in these two groups?
I don't understand why the different outcomes and results in two different continents. This question makes me think the "science" on AIDS and HIV is not settled. A virus should affect people the same way regardless of where they live.
I started this thread only to dispute the author's apparent position that anyone who questions the HIV/AIDs theory should be cancelled or dismissed as some kind of kook.
Is the virus that causes Covid different in Europe than America?
Do you mean affect people the same way, or do you mean have the same demographics regarding infection? There's been a lot of research into the demographics aspect over the years. This one was from 24 years ago: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.288.5474.2153
I guess the different demographics who are "infected."
Why isn't HIV/AIDS a mortality risk to Americans who don't engage in homosexual sex or share used needles?
In the mid-1980s, the narrative was that AIDS was going to be a huge risk to every American. This did not turn out to be the case.
I compare it to the narrative that Covid was a mortality risk to "everyone." This clearly did not turn out to be the case. The average age of a Covid victim is 79 to 82 depending on the country's data you look at.
It's hard to find an example of a healthy person under 40 who definitively died "from" Covid.
I personally knew three people who were said to have died from Covid. They were 70, 80 and 81. That's in four years. So I personally knew/know nobody under the age of 70 who died from Covid.
That tells me Covid was NOT a real mortality risk to people under the age of 70. That's why I question the authorized narratives.
All things being equal, PIV is lower risk in terms of infection than anal, most gay men aren't also having sex with women, untreated STDs in areas with poor heathcare coverage up the risk across the board, and public health messaging in the US was a huge help in keeping the epidemic from completely breaking containment. (Ah, the joys of Gen X sex education and spending your teens being scared that if the nukes didn't get you killed, sex would! Not that it stopped us.)
I know some people under 40 without preexisting conditions who have post-viral issues because of COVID infections, especially those who caught it in 2020 when we were all immunologically naïve, so there are risks (overblown by many on the left, but not trivial) beyond just mortality.
That said, I strongly wish that the public health messaging had been more flexible/honest (just tell us when you don't know enough yet to know and update when you have better information, damn it) and that it hadn't become a political football, which I think happened at least in part because of the boneheaded decision to treat the protests about police brutality as if they were somehow a different risk level than mask protests were. (I ranted at length about this to my spouse at the time. It was such a stupid decision and undermined so much public trust, which was limited as hell in the first place here.)
I take it there’s a lot that you don’t get
I get that you are one of those posters who don't answer specific questions.
Do you agree with Jones that the water is turning frogs gay?
What a ribbiting question! 😁
No. Do you agree with Jones that the Covid vaccines are NOT "safe and effective?"
No. In fact I think a really good metric to deduce the truth value of just about any claim would be to see what Alex Jones says about it and comfortably assume that the opposite is true in nearly every case.
So you think the vaccines DO prevent transmission and spread and that nobody has died or suffered a serious adverse event after receiving these shots?
Since we're using the Socratic Method: Why do you think 90 percent of the public no longer gets the booster shots the CDC is still recommending?
I think hundreds of millions of people, perhaps secretly, agree with Alex Jones.
Yeah. They’re generally safe and effective, which is what almost every credible scientist on earth has indicated when asked about the topic.
And there are plenty of reasons people aren’t getting boosters - I’d chalk it up to general fatigue and a feeling that after getting the initial vaccine they’re probably protected enough to where the virus won’t make them seriously ill or kill them. I’m serenely confident that “hundreds of millions” of people don’t agree with the “gay frogs” guy
Wilson, I think I scored a debating point because I got you to admit that 90 percent of the public doesn't feel they need any more booster shots. This is going against the guidance of those scientists and medical associations you reference. They are still encouraging "everyone" over 6 months old to get these shots. Certainly the CDC is. It seems to me this is an example of large swaths of the public that is not convinced that the "settled science" is settled. Legions of citizens are certainly voting with their own bodies to reject the authorized guidance.
... I've got to run. We're probably taking up too much of this Comment section. Take care. I enjoyed our debate.
Define generally effective?
Eazy E was neither gay nor shooting heroin.
"and the drug killed untold thousands of said patients"
Are you sure it wasn't, you know, the AIDS that killed them? AZT seems to be incredibly safe, if anything not strong enough.
I guess I can reply to Gavin. I agree that's the consensus CDC/Fauci-approved narrative on AZT. I just note that no small number of people dispute this conclusion. I'm probably different than most readers of this newsletter in that I don't automatically accept the pronouncements of the Science Establishment or Big Pharma as infallible truths. The same sources also say the Covid vaccines are incredibly safe, which I think is a mind-blowing assertion. Hasn't anyone noticed that all-cause deaths have exploded since the roll-out of the vaccines? The deaths can't be explained by Covid as the same experts say the shots are 95 percent effective at preventing death ... and 80 percent of the world was vaccinated.
I also think remdesivr has killed thousands of people and that drug's no doubt considered incredibly safe or it wouldn't have been approved by the FDA.
For alternative views on AZT, I'd recommend reading "The Real Anthony Fauci." Now I understand the author of that book has been officially labeled a kook and cancelled, but the book does include more than 2,300 citations and footnotes - so Kennedy is trying to back-up his claims with studies and evidence.
I read a book review of Deborah Birx's book (she's a Covid expert). The reviewer said her book didn't have one footnote in it. I thought that was a tell.
You have no understanding of virology or epidemiology. None.
Epidemics ARE different in different places, because of human behaviour and ACCESS TO MEDICINE, you absolute bore. Why is a cholera epidemic different in a country with no sanitation, compared to one that has sewers and flushing toilets?? Gee, that’s a tough one. Why is malaria more devastating in Africa than it it is in Greece? What a fucking conundrum! Someone call Sherlock Holmes.
You need to stop writing and start reading people who know what the fuck they are talking about. Then come back. Your lack of knowledge about HIV/AIDS should HUMBLE you, but of course, it won’t.
In Africa, HIV kills everyone because of poor sanitation and poor quality water. In America, the same virus doesn't kill everyone because our sanitation and water are better ... but it still kills gay men and IV drug users .... although, presumably, their sanitation and water systems are exactly the same as straight people and non-drug users. So I still don't get it.
Alex, I’ll take “Completely Ahistorical Posts” for $1000.