No. In fact I think a really good metric to deduce the truth value of just about any claim would be to see what Alex Jones says about it and comfortably assume that the opposite is true in nearly every case.
Yeah. They’re generally safe and effective, which is what almost every credible scientist on earth has indicated when asked about the topic.
And there are plenty of reasons people aren’t getting boosters - I’d chalk it up to general fatigue and a feeling that after getting the initial vaccine they’re probably protected enough to where the virus won’t make them seriously ill or kill them. I’m serenely confident that “hundreds of millions” of people don’t agree with the “gay frogs” guy
Wilson, I think I scored a debating point because I got you to admit that 90 percent of the public doesn't feel they need any more booster shots. This is going against the guidance of those scientists and medical associations you reference. They are still encouraging "everyone" over 6 months old to get these shots. Certainly the CDC is. It seems to me this is an example of large swaths of the public that is not convinced that the "settled science" is settled. Legions of citizens are certainly voting with their own bodies to reject the authorized guidance.
... I've got to run. We're probably taking up too much of this Comment section. Take care. I enjoyed our debate.
Well, I tend to leave this stuff to actual experts, but I’d say that they make you a less likely to catch the disease, and if you do catch it they make you a lot less likely to suffer serious illness or death from the disease.
Now I’m curious: do you agree with Alex Jones that the Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag orchestrated by the Deep State in order to take away our freedoms and that no children were killed that day, that the parents are all actors, that the police and the school and the media and the families are all in on a grand conspiracy to pull the wool over our eyes? Were the judgments against him in Texas and Connecticut efforts by those same nefarious forces to silence a great thinker and patriot who “hundreds of millions” agree with? You can handwave it away by saying “but he apologized!” (which is bullshit) but honestly if you really want to go for it with your Covid conspiracy claims you’d do better to find a more credible source than Alex “Male Vitality Pill” Jones
God no. Alex Jones saying that infuriated me too. It's ridiculous.
I do agree with Jones if he believes the health threat of Covid was massively over-hyped/exaggerated. Lockdowns weren't needed. I don't think anyone needed a vaccine.
I tried to make these points on Facebook .... but I was banned. So I can empathize with people who are being censored or de-monetized or cancelled.
I take it there’s a lot that you don’t get
I get that you are one of those posters who don't answer specific questions.
Do you agree with Jones that the water is turning frogs gay?
What a ribbiting question! 😁
No. Do you agree with Jones that the Covid vaccines are NOT "safe and effective?"
No. In fact I think a really good metric to deduce the truth value of just about any claim would be to see what Alex Jones says about it and comfortably assume that the opposite is true in nearly every case.
So you think the vaccines DO prevent transmission and spread and that nobody has died or suffered a serious adverse event after receiving these shots?
Since we're using the Socratic Method: Why do you think 90 percent of the public no longer gets the booster shots the CDC is still recommending?
I think hundreds of millions of people, perhaps secretly, agree with Alex Jones.
Yeah. They’re generally safe and effective, which is what almost every credible scientist on earth has indicated when asked about the topic.
And there are plenty of reasons people aren’t getting boosters - I’d chalk it up to general fatigue and a feeling that after getting the initial vaccine they’re probably protected enough to where the virus won’t make them seriously ill or kill them. I’m serenely confident that “hundreds of millions” of people don’t agree with the “gay frogs” guy
Wilson, I think I scored a debating point because I got you to admit that 90 percent of the public doesn't feel they need any more booster shots. This is going against the guidance of those scientists and medical associations you reference. They are still encouraging "everyone" over 6 months old to get these shots. Certainly the CDC is. It seems to me this is an example of large swaths of the public that is not convinced that the "settled science" is settled. Legions of citizens are certainly voting with their own bodies to reject the authorized guidance.
... I've got to run. We're probably taking up too much of this Comment section. Take care. I enjoyed our debate.
And I think your parents must have been related before they were married. Have a nice day and watch out for the gay frogs!
Define generally effective?
Well, I tend to leave this stuff to actual experts, but I’d say that they make you a less likely to catch the disease, and if you do catch it they make you a lot less likely to suffer serious illness or death from the disease.
Now I’m curious: do you agree with Alex Jones that the Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag orchestrated by the Deep State in order to take away our freedoms and that no children were killed that day, that the parents are all actors, that the police and the school and the media and the families are all in on a grand conspiracy to pull the wool over our eyes? Were the judgments against him in Texas and Connecticut efforts by those same nefarious forces to silence a great thinker and patriot who “hundreds of millions” agree with? You can handwave it away by saying “but he apologized!” (which is bullshit) but honestly if you really want to go for it with your Covid conspiracy claims you’d do better to find a more credible source than Alex “Male Vitality Pill” Jones
God no. Alex Jones saying that infuriated me too. It's ridiculous.
I do agree with Jones if he believes the health threat of Covid was massively over-hyped/exaggerated. Lockdowns weren't needed. I don't think anyone needed a vaccine.
I tried to make these points on Facebook .... but I was banned. So I can empathize with people who are being censored or de-monetized or cancelled.
Also, are you seriously claiming that someone dying after receiving the vaccine is proof that the vaccine killed them? You’re not a serious person