I can't even imagine having to clarify yourself this many times. I'm sorry, Jesse. I love your writing, but for your sake, hopefully we can see more stuff focused on your book...and YA Twitter.

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There are some "he said/she said" back and forths between journalists where I can see both sides. But the persistent misreadings of you and your work are so blatantly wrong that I can't fathom any other explanation than that these people are operating in extreme bad faith. I know they're worried about trans people and kids, I get that. But using tactics like this leave me with little sympathy for their lies about you.

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Didn't Gorcenski claim that she'd leave activism forever about a month ago?

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FTR she wrote a response to the response. It's wild to me that she's surprised Jesse claims the correction increases his confidence in the original claim, since he mentions that every single time he mentions the correction... https://www.emilygorcenski.com/post/jesse-singal-still-got-more-wrong-than-he-thinks/

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I mean, it's pretty clear that gender dysphoria is not severe if someone feels like the opposite sex but does not feel significant emotional distress. That's when, e.g., you could socially transition but not go on hormone replacement.

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