How have I not heard of you before, you fierce Tiger of an authentic Journalist?! Hat tip to Matt Taibbi for the head’s up.
My HS journalism teacher and I fought a censorship battle with the John Birch Society in 1969 but after a few weeks the principal surrendered snd we lost.
You are doing much, much better against todays’s libleft pundits, fake journalists and paid attack assassins who are today’s John Birchers. Have the north and south magnetic poles also switched or merged?
Don’t let the bastards get you down and keep up fighting the good fight!
RE: “Singal might be a canary in a coal mine: the first person to be targeted for removal from a self-publishing platform.” — Taibbi
How have I not heard of you before, you fierce Tiger of an authentic Journalist?! Hat tip to Matt Taibbi for the head’s up.
My HS journalism teacher and I fought a censorship battle with the John Birch Society in 1969 but after a few weeks the principal surrendered snd we lost.
You are doing much, much better against todays’s libleft pundits, fake journalists and paid attack assassins who are today’s John Birchers. Have the north and south magnetic poles also switched or merged?
Don’t let the bastards get you down and keep up fighting the good fight!
RE: “Singal might be a canary in a coal mine: the first person to be targeted for removal from a self-publishing platform.” — Taibbi