" speaks to and for the millions of Black and Brown people throughout the United States who were effectively pushed back to the back of the bus in the Trump era by a media that prioritized the concerns and feelings of the white working class"

What media sources are they talking about? Surely not CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, which have heavily and positively covered things like the BLM movement and the absolutely vile treatment of immigrants on our southern border...I suppose one could get this idea if you consume Fox News only, which does tend to frame things like police violence protests in a certain lens (whereas other media sources frame it in a DIFFERENT lens). Perhaps this cover copy is not reflective of the content of the book, but it sure doesn't sound like anything an intelligent or principled thinker might say.

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Also, "speaks to and for" is one of those absolutely idiotic SJWisms that says fucking nothing.

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The book won't be publishable unless the editors make it acceptable to SJW readers.

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IDK about that, there are plenty of recent highly publicized and successful books that are def not SJW friendly--Meghan Daum and Thomas Chatterton Williams' books, for example.

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It depends on the target audience for the book, not some prervasive ideology. Publishers want to make money, not indoctrinate the populace.

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What are we arguing about?

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