There are kids with gender dysphoria, but there is NO DIAGNOSTIC for which of these kids may actually be "trans" (that is, with GD that persists into adulthood and which can only be relieved by radical c…
There are kids with gender dysphoria, but there is NO DIAGNOSTIC for which of these kids may actually be "trans" (that is, with GD that persists into adulthood and which can only be relieved by radical cosmetic surgery). Which, Jesse, you know perfectly well from you own investigations and reviews.
So please, Jesse, PLEASE stop referring to "trans kids". THEY DO NOT EXIST. Talking as if they do only perpetuates the problem of highly inappropriate medical interventions.
Sorry, but listen to the podcast For Crying Out Loud. One of the hosts has a genetically female child who has insisted since age 2 that she is a male. He started social transition at age 10 and is now on blockers. The podcast has been talking about this for years. It is not a "see how progressive I am" issue. There are trans-kids. ROGD is a whole different issue
Please, for the sake of balance, listen to the first episode of Gender, A Wider Lens. Stella O'Malley, one of the hosts, had a history similar to the child you describe. She insisted she was male as a small child and for years, insistently, persistently and consistently. She desisted with puberty. This child you describe has been put on blockers, so we will never know if that would have happened for them. Gender dysphoric children have been studied, and in the past, a super-majority desisted with puberty. Most turned out to be gay. Children don't have the vocabulary to explain why they feel different from other children, it's not surprising some use a simple formulation (I *am* a boy/girl) to express how they feel. It doesn't mean you have to sacrifice their fertility and sexual function. You can let them do all the things without telling them that wearing a dress makes you a girl, or having short hair and climbing trees makes you a boy. Transition is a difficult path, with many long term consequences and side effects. Taking that path is an adult decision.
The child, once identifying as male, found profound relief and lifting of depression. I am with you on Gender, A Wider Lens. Their Pioneer series was very interesting. I would add a caveat, that like all shows, not every episode is strong. Some can be more polemic than enlightening. On the whole, though, it's an important resource..
Sorry, no. The kid clearly has parents who are facilitating and encouraging belief in being "trans". No child can possibly understand what it means to have puberty blocked, with all the attendant medical issues, including possible permanent sterility and permanent loss of sexual function.
This "medical" treatment of children is a crime against humanity, and will one day be recognized as such.
Repeat after me:
There is no such thing as a "trans kid"!
There is no such thing as a "trans kid"!
There is no such thing as a "trans kid"!
There are kids with gender dysphoria, but there is NO DIAGNOSTIC for which of these kids may actually be "trans" (that is, with GD that persists into adulthood and which can only be relieved by radical cosmetic surgery). Which, Jesse, you know perfectly well from you own investigations and reviews.
So please, Jesse, PLEASE stop referring to "trans kids". THEY DO NOT EXIST. Talking as if they do only perpetuates the problem of highly inappropriate medical interventions.
Sorry, but listen to the podcast For Crying Out Loud. One of the hosts has a genetically female child who has insisted since age 2 that she is a male. He started social transition at age 10 and is now on blockers. The podcast has been talking about this for years. It is not a "see how progressive I am" issue. There are trans-kids. ROGD is a whole different issue
Please, for the sake of balance, listen to the first episode of Gender, A Wider Lens. Stella O'Malley, one of the hosts, had a history similar to the child you describe. She insisted she was male as a small child and for years, insistently, persistently and consistently. She desisted with puberty. This child you describe has been put on blockers, so we will never know if that would have happened for them. Gender dysphoric children have been studied, and in the past, a super-majority desisted with puberty. Most turned out to be gay. Children don't have the vocabulary to explain why they feel different from other children, it's not surprising some use a simple formulation (I *am* a boy/girl) to express how they feel. It doesn't mean you have to sacrifice their fertility and sexual function. You can let them do all the things without telling them that wearing a dress makes you a girl, or having short hair and climbing trees makes you a boy. Transition is a difficult path, with many long term consequences and side effects. Taking that path is an adult decision.
The child, once identifying as male, found profound relief and lifting of depression. I am with you on Gender, A Wider Lens. Their Pioneer series was very interesting. I would add a caveat, that like all shows, not every episode is strong. Some can be more polemic than enlightening. On the whole, though, it's an important resource..
Sorry, no. The kid clearly has parents who are facilitating and encouraging belief in being "trans". No child can possibly understand what it means to have puberty blocked, with all the attendant medical issues, including possible permanent sterility and permanent loss of sexual function.
This "medical" treatment of children is a crime against humanity, and will one day be recognized as such.
Jesse has firmly stated that he believes that "radical cosmetic surgery" can be appropriate for a minor. It just should have a high bar.
If Jesse has stated that, then he is wrong. "Radical cosmetic surgery" on children is a crime against humanity.