I know a lot of affirming left-leaning parents. They’re all well-educated and otherwise intelligent, critical thinkers, but they have their culture war goggles on so tight that they do not believe any evidence to the contrary when it comes to medical treatment for dysphoric children. (Side note, we really need to stop calling dysphoric k…
I know a lot of affirming left-leaning parents. They’re all well-educated and otherwise intelligent, critical thinkers, but they have their culture war goggles on so tight that they do not believe any evidence to the contrary when it comes to medical treatment for dysphoric children. (Side note, we really need to stop calling dysphoric kids trans kids. Not all people who have had sex dysphoria remain dysphoric, especially children. Many people who have dealt with it, self included, don’t end up transitioning. We just kind of grew out of it. Calling them trans kids assumes an outcome that used to be the least likely one.)
I know a lot of affirming left-leaning parents. They’re all well-educated and otherwise intelligent, critical thinkers, but they have their culture war goggles on so tight that they do not believe any evidence to the contrary when it comes to medical treatment for dysphoric children. (Side note, we really need to stop calling dysphoric kids trans kids. Not all people who have had sex dysphoria remain dysphoric, especially children. Many people who have dealt with it, self included, don’t end up transitioning. We just kind of grew out of it. Calling them trans kids assumes an outcome that used to be the least likely one.)