Unfortunately, hard sciences once again have a bit of a Galileo problem - their conclusions are required to align with the prevailing views of society's designated Moral Betters (the Church in Galileo's day, and the woke recently), which means often the research methodology is reverse-engineered to generate the desired/obligatory conclus…
Unfortunately, hard sciences once again have a bit of a Galileo problem - their conclusions are required to align with the prevailing views of society's designated Moral Betters (the Church in Galileo's day, and the woke recently), which means often the research methodology is reverse-engineered to generate the desired/obligatory conclusions.
As another example, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently deleted sections from its website regarding early childhood development and facial cues for learning, which conveniently coincided with progressives pushing mask mandates for children.
Progressives love to claim that their political views are informed by The Science, but in reality it's the opposite: The Science is predetermined by mandatory adherence to progressive talking points. This study looks like the double-blind equivalent of the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy.
AAP also revised their language milestones by about 6 months- even though decades of research suggest that X number of words and sounds should be in a child's lexicon by particular ages, and failure to meet those milestones can indicate an issue.
There are (or I guess I should say were) entire publicly funded health initiatives geared toward driving home the importance of language acquisition at the infancy/toddler stage and how it impacts literacy in the longterm. In fact- it is THE main point Biden's administration was using to justify universal preschool in their spending bill.
Pedatrician's offices in blighted areas teach classes on why you should read books to your baby, and all of that just vanished due to COVID and have been replaced with, "It's FINE if your baby doesn't learn to talk until she's almost 3! Masks have NO DOWNSIDE!!"
It really is so disturbing how the AAP has lost its collective mind. My 8th grader is asthmatic and his school required masks during PE class. He pulled his mask down while wheezing and was told he couldn't do that or he'd be sent home. I looked up the AAP's guidance on asthma and mask-wearing/wheezing, and they suggested kids who couldn't tolerate masks take albuterol prior to mask-wearing. It was infuriating.
I would bet that a non-zero number of kids ended up in the emergency room due to masking/masking policies worsening their asthma. And yet, any time anyone suggested this, the response was that it was better than getting covid, especially for someone with asthma. Except asthma doesn't raise the risk of severe covid and kids are at nearly zero risk of severe Covid.
Regardless of whether masks have an effect on transmission, this insistence that masks have no downside, there are no medical contraindications for masks and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and general denial that humans have evolved to see faces makes the AAP less credible on anything else pediatrics-related.
I wasn't talking until I was over three years old, but my very first utterances were correct sentences. Grammar isn't optionl for me; 66 years later the singular they still gives me a headache.
Unfortunately, hard sciences once again have a bit of a Galileo problem - their conclusions are required to align with the prevailing views of society's designated Moral Betters (the Church in Galileo's day, and the woke recently), which means often the research methodology is reverse-engineered to generate the desired/obligatory conclusions.
As another example, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently deleted sections from its website regarding early childhood development and facial cues for learning, which conveniently coincided with progressives pushing mask mandates for children.
Progressives love to claim that their political views are informed by The Science, but in reality it's the opposite: The Science is predetermined by mandatory adherence to progressive talking points. This study looks like the double-blind equivalent of the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy.
AAP also revised their language milestones by about 6 months- even though decades of research suggest that X number of words and sounds should be in a child's lexicon by particular ages, and failure to meet those milestones can indicate an issue.
There are (or I guess I should say were) entire publicly funded health initiatives geared toward driving home the importance of language acquisition at the infancy/toddler stage and how it impacts literacy in the longterm. In fact- it is THE main point Biden's administration was using to justify universal preschool in their spending bill.
Pedatrician's offices in blighted areas teach classes on why you should read books to your baby, and all of that just vanished due to COVID and have been replaced with, "It's FINE if your baby doesn't learn to talk until she's almost 3! Masks have NO DOWNSIDE!!"
The AAP is garbage. JAMA is garbage.
It really is so disturbing how the AAP has lost its collective mind. My 8th grader is asthmatic and his school required masks during PE class. He pulled his mask down while wheezing and was told he couldn't do that or he'd be sent home. I looked up the AAP's guidance on asthma and mask-wearing/wheezing, and they suggested kids who couldn't tolerate masks take albuterol prior to mask-wearing. It was infuriating.
I would bet that a non-zero number of kids ended up in the emergency room due to masking/masking policies worsening their asthma. And yet, any time anyone suggested this, the response was that it was better than getting covid, especially for someone with asthma. Except asthma doesn't raise the risk of severe covid and kids are at nearly zero risk of severe Covid.
Regardless of whether masks have an effect on transmission, this insistence that masks have no downside, there are no medical contraindications for masks and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and general denial that humans have evolved to see faces makes the AAP less credible on anything else pediatrics-related.
Oof, do you have a link? Overuse of albuterol isn't so great for the heart.
I think sometime this summer? He was still required to wear a mask until the end of May; I must have looked for guidance prior to that.
"In this house, we believe in science. Just ask our 9-year old who is still struggling to read Pat the Bunny".
I wasn't talking until I was over three years old, but my very first utterances were correct sentences. Grammar isn't optionl for me; 66 years later the singular they still gives me a headache.