It reminds me of the stories my dad used to tell. He was a prosecutor. and often told me criminal masterminds are rare. Criminals are not the brightest beans in the bunch.
It reminds me of the stories my dad used to tell. He was a prosecutor. and often told me criminal masterminds are rare. Criminals are not the brightest beans in the bunch.
Thanks for this piece!
It reminds me of the stories my dad used to tell. He was a prosecutor. and often told me criminal masterminds are rare. Criminals are not the brightest beans in the bunch.
The masterminds generally don’t get caught and the really smart ones know when to ‘retire out’ and take up a legitimate occupation of some kind.
The less smart ones, believe their own hype and finally stumble over their own ego or their subordinate’s egos and get caught that way.
The rest are the aforementioned dull beans or a few sandwiches short of a picnic.