we <all> would have scored highly on it at 14. I remember sleeping on my stomach at age 11 to try to flatten my chest. I couldn’t have put it into words then, but I knew the trouble that boobs would bring me.
we <all> would have scored highly on it at 14. I remember sleeping on my stomach at age 11 to try to flatten my chest. I couldn’t have put it into words then, but I knew the trouble that boobs would bring me.
And when I was 14 I would have scored highly on it for being upset that I still barely filled out an A cup. Would anyone suggest that a late to mature adolescent girl should get implants to assuage her dysphoria? After all, you can just get them removed later if you want! Invasive medical procedures for everyone!!!
My girl wore a 32c cup at 14 and wasn’t finished growing! She hated it and hated the attention as well, but never in a million years would I have said “sure honey, let’s get you a double mastectomy.”
Yeah she really had a time of it, especially with her brothers’ friends. Got to the point we had to stop sleepovers for the boys for a while but all survived.
Best of all, she experienced the singular joy of nursing her babies. Had she been denied that by virtue of her parents capitulating to her adolescent self she’s have had good cause to hate us.
And it’s probably not limited to girls. I don’t particularly care now but my disproportionately large man boobs were a major source of physical anxiety for me at that age.
we <all> would have scored highly on it at 14. I remember sleeping on my stomach at age 11 to try to flatten my chest. I couldn’t have put it into words then, but I knew the trouble that boobs would bring me.
And when I was 14 I would have scored highly on it for being upset that I still barely filled out an A cup. Would anyone suggest that a late to mature adolescent girl should get implants to assuage her dysphoria? After all, you can just get them removed later if you want! Invasive medical procedures for everyone!!!
My girl wore a 32c cup at 14 and wasn’t finished growing! She hated it and hated the attention as well, but never in a million years would I have said “sure honey, let’s get you a double mastectomy.”
oh, poor girl. by no means was I even close to that size, but I was simply horrified when my mom made me start wearing a training bra.
Yeah she really had a time of it, especially with her brothers’ friends. Got to the point we had to stop sleepovers for the boys for a while but all survived.
Best of all, she experienced the singular joy of nursing her babies. Had she been denied that by virtue of her parents capitulating to her adolescent self she’s have had good cause to hate us.
And it’s probably not limited to girls. I don’t particularly care now but my disproportionately large man boobs were a major source of physical anxiety for me at that age.
Hereditary gyno does indeed limit what you can wear
Well, bigger impact on what you can be comfortable NOT wearing, but yeah.
The wrong kind of shirt can draw attention to it far more than going shirtless would, is my experience.
Also true