Introducing Blocked And Reported, A New Podcast About Internet Craziness
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Sorry for the multiple notes during what is supposed to be a lights-out March for Singal-Minded, but I wanted to let you know that a podcast I’ve been working on with my friend Katie Herzog just dropped its pilot episode.
Blocked and Reported, which was one of the reasons this has been a very hectic month for me, work-wise, is simply about internet craziness and what it can teach us about humanity. That’s it! We’re casting a wide net for a reason: There is a huge amount of fodder to be mined from the internet’s most dysfunctional communities, controversies, and people.
There’s a lot more to come, but in the first episode, which you can listen to here (coming soon to all the major podcast services, and RSS here), you’ll hear us discuss:
-Katie’s VERY SPECIAL surprise pandemic announcement
-the “Why I’m leaving the left” subgenre of internet content, including its latest high-profile iteration
-whether bad, pandemic-spreading behavior has changed our views about online shaming
-some relics of the Old Internet of our youth that have given us comfort during this new, cooped-up existence
We’re very much in the market for suggestions about subjects to discuss, or questions to answer, during future episodes. If you have either, please shoot us a note at
Enjoy! And remember that for paid subscribers, Singal-Minded will be back early next month.
(Our excellent logo was created by Mike Force, whose website is here.)
The Why I'm Leaving the Left people are starting to get on my nerves. Yes, I often have the same complaints as they do regarding toxic Social Justice Warriors, but they've gone so off the rails in their own right that I can't follow them anymore. Prominent examples include Dave Rubin and Tim Pool, but they're far from alone.
Excited to listen and to hear what you two put together!