I wish that were true but I don’t think so. Ethan Strauss calls it the DADD strategy - don’t apologize, double down. “The public” never accepts apologies, in practice apologizing or correcting just get your name dragged even more through the mud. The smart strategy is, unfortunately, to never publicly apologize or retract.
I wish that were true but I don’t think so. Ethan Strauss calls it the DADD strategy - don’t apologize, double down. “The public” never accepts apologies, in practice apologizing or correcting just get your name dragged even more through the mud. The smart strategy is, unfortunately, to never publicly apologize or retract.
I wish that were true but I don’t think so. Ethan Strauss calls it the DADD strategy - don’t apologize, double down. “The public” never accepts apologies, in practice apologizing or correcting just get your name dragged even more through the mud. The smart strategy is, unfortunately, to never publicly apologize or retract.