Oh man, the vaccine anxiety due to fertility issues is REAL. Or real, the everything anxiety. We had a terrible time with secondary infertility (happy ending - my second is 5 weeks old - but took years and many m/cs) and I was so nervewracked about vaccines, OTC medications, herbal tea…it’s the worst.
Oh man, the vaccine anxiety due to fertility issues is REAL. Or real, the everything anxiety. We had a terrible time with secondary infertility (happy ending - my second is 5 weeks old - but took years and many m/cs) and I was so nervewracked about vaccines, OTC medications, herbal tea…it’s the worst.
It was more that she got pregnant exactly at the same time the vaccine came out AND immediately after she recovered from getting COVID. So it was a very unique situation to try to figure out the right thing.
Oh man, the vaccine anxiety due to fertility issues is REAL. Or real, the everything anxiety. We had a terrible time with secondary infertility (happy ending - my second is 5 weeks old - but took years and many m/cs) and I was so nervewracked about vaccines, OTC medications, herbal tea…it’s the worst.
My wife did not get the booster shots because she was pregnant and the original shots gave her a fever.
It was more that she got pregnant exactly at the same time the vaccine came out AND immediately after she recovered from getting COVID. So it was a very unique situation to try to figure out the right thing.