I think it’s that *none* of the precautions were evidence based. 6 feet? Made up. Masks? Don’t work. Isolation? Almost everyone caught the virus anyway. It was literally *years* of power hungry bureaucrats making decisions that didn’t make any sense and also caused a massive amount of damage.
I think it’s that *none* of the precautions were evidence based. 6 feet? Made up. Masks? Don’t work. Isolation? Almost everyone caught the virus anyway. It was literally *years* of power hungry bureaucrats making decisions that didn’t make any sense and also caused a massive amount of damage.
Of course, I can’t discern the motives are bureaucrats. They may have simply been totally incompetent. Either way, the rules were ridiculous and harmful. Also, you probably *have* had Covid and just didn’t realize it.
The point of these measures is to slow transmission so health systems don't get overwhelmed. Almost everyone got Covid eventually, but there's a big difference between that happening over the course of a few months and overwhelming hospitals and that happening over the course of years with a vaccine available to reduce the risk of severe illness.
The evidence available to make decisions is necessarily limited, but a basic understanding of physical reality is all that's needed to tell you that making people stand further apart and wear masks designed to filter aerosols will reduce transmission rates. Is there evidence that 6 feet is optimal compared to 5 feet or 7 feet? No, but the point is to minimise people breathing near each other.
The main failing was that communication didn't distinguish between cloth or surgical masks (which probably don't do much) compared to N95s designed to stop aerosols. Once those were in adequate supply they should have been emphasised more.
I think it’s that *none* of the precautions were evidence based. 6 feet? Made up. Masks? Don’t work. Isolation? Almost everyone caught the virus anyway. It was literally *years* of power hungry bureaucrats making decisions that didn’t make any sense and also caused a massive amount of damage.
Yeah. Not buying that, especially the part about power hungry bureaucrats. That's an ideology looking for a cause to exploit.
Of course, I can’t discern the motives are bureaucrats. They may have simply been totally incompetent. Either way, the rules were ridiculous and harmful. Also, you probably *have* had Covid and just didn’t realize it.
The point of these measures is to slow transmission so health systems don't get overwhelmed. Almost everyone got Covid eventually, but there's a big difference between that happening over the course of a few months and overwhelming hospitals and that happening over the course of years with a vaccine available to reduce the risk of severe illness.
The evidence available to make decisions is necessarily limited, but a basic understanding of physical reality is all that's needed to tell you that making people stand further apart and wear masks designed to filter aerosols will reduce transmission rates. Is there evidence that 6 feet is optimal compared to 5 feet or 7 feet? No, but the point is to minimise people breathing near each other.
The main failing was that communication didn't distinguish between cloth or surgical masks (which probably don't do much) compared to N95s designed to stop aerosols. Once those were in adequate supply they should have been emphasised more.