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He wrote two chapters, but each chapter has 75 footnotes, citing numerous studies ... of scientists. So you could read RFK's two chapters and 150 other studies and articles written by 100 other scientists and experts. And some of these citations were other BOOKS on the topic - so you could then go read 400 pages by someone who devoted two years of their life writing a book on the topic. Celia Farber, a well-known freelance journalist, is one such author who wrote a book on this topic.

So, yes, from RFK's book, you can tell the science on HIV/AIDS is not settled. The book also develops that it was AIDS funding that allowed Fauci to massively grow the budget and influence of the NIAID. Fauci's flip flops on AIDS/HIV are also fascinating to learn.

I recommend the book for any fair-minded person who might want some view that is not the orthodoxy of Fauci or Pfizer or Merck or the Department of Defense.

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For those who may be interested in the scientist who postulated the narrative-challenging hypothesis that HIV doesn't caused the disease AIDS, Substacker and well-known freelance journalist and author Ceilia Farber just re-published this fascinating article. It does NOT pay to challenge the Science Industrial Complex.


Also, this update on Dr. Duesberg:


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I don''t care about Fauci's flip flops, I am strictly a teva kinda dude

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Here's the Cliff Note's version: In the early days of AIDS, when Fauci had just been appointed director of the NIAID, he was saying this was a disease caused by promiscuous gay sex. This caused an uproar among many gay activists. Fauci was their enemy and he was being seriously attacked. Soon enough though, Fauci flipped the narrative, which became "AIDS is a threat to everyone" and not just gay men. Fauci was not only off the chopping block, he found a way to get a massive increase in funding for his obscure little science agency..

For 40 years, he's been trying to create a "vaccine" for HIV/AIDS. That never worked. He did recycle a failed and toxic drug (AZT) for AIDS treatment.

Solving the AIDS/HIV crisis in Africa also became a massive boondoggle and a great place to test drugs and vaccines on people who could die in large numbers with nobody raising much of a fuss.

Even today, nobody knows why AIDS is a hetoresexual disease in Africa, but largely restricted to the gay community in America. I think this is one of those questions we're not supposed to ask. It's like today we're not supposed to ask, "Why are 10 to 20 percent" more people dying each year than they were five years ago?

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Is there any connection with the vaccine for HIV/AIDS and an acute inability to read a room?

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Are you saying my theory isn't going over well in this particular room?

I'm used to this. It's my outreach effort. If I can change one mind, etc.

The goal of our rulers is to make sure contrarians like me don't get to ever make posts like this anywhere in the future. Thank Goodness for Substack.

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lmao - im sure our 'rulers' are terrified of Brett Weinstein and his cadre of substack superfans

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I think they actually are. That Virality Project (from Stanford) is an effort to keep dissenting opinions like Weinstein's from ever going viral. And to bully and intimidate him and others who might also have the courage to challenge any of the "settled" science.

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Well then I have to end our communique for I fear the wrath of our overlords.

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You're probably okay, because you probably only post "authorized" commentary. I've been banned and shadow-banned over and over at several social media sites.

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Nice to see Brett's self righteousness and delusions of grandeur trickle down to his parishioners as well

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I appreciate your effort.

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