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“After Robbie Parker, whose daughter Emilie died at Sandy Hook, gave a news conference the night after the shooting, Mr. [Alex] Jones said:

- ‘You know, after you lose your daughter, they put you on some antidepressants or something, but I thought those take a month to kick in. I mean, it’s like a look of absolute satisfaction, like he’s about to accept an Oscar.’

- ‘It looks like he’s saying, ‘OK, do I read off the card?’ He’s laughing, and then he goes over and starts basically breaking down and crying.’”


I don’t know what to tell you, man. Heckling the parents of dead kids gets you put in the deranged column in my book. The courts seem to agree with me: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63592386

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His bootlickers (of which there are a few in these comments) claim that he’s apologized and hey, who among us hasn’t accidentally put the parents of dead children through multiple years of torment as you use your popular media only form to defame them, claim their kids were never killed, that they were all actors pretending to lose children etc? What about all the times he was correct??? (Citation needed)

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Yeah, that's the one thing anybody knows about Alex Jones, because that's what the MSM publicized and told you what to think. That's fine, but I wish people who've never read a word he's written or watched anything he's done would stop babbling about it.

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“Yes yes Mrs. Lincoln, but aside from that how was the play?”

In any event, I’ve known about Jones back when he was the ‘9/11 was an inside job’ guy.

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The great thing about conspiracy folks like yourself is that you’re serenely confident that you are the only ones who have ever sought out an alternative source for a news event. Yeah, we’re all sheeple who only think Alex Jones is horrible excuse for a human being because we just listen to what the dreaded MSM is telling us. Are the MSM in the room with us right now?

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All I did was shoot up a school one time! It's like, Jesus everyone, I also play guitar!

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"You fuck *one* goat....."

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It’s a pretty big one thing though and people are going to judge him accordingly.

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I've watched plenty of his videos out of curiousity (before Sandy Hook), and I listened to him on Joe Rogan. My first-hand analysis is that he's an idiotic blowhard and people who find him convincing have very poor critical thinking skills.

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