Racism is Forever aka Everything is Oppression is one of the foundational dogmas of leftist academia (along w the Blank Slate). Of course the professional activist class will scream and scheme and fling promiscuous bigotry accusations at half the country because the end of AA is a direct assault on their perpetual project to rule us all …
Racism is Forever aka Everything is Oppression is one of the foundational dogmas of leftist academia (along w the Blank Slate). Of course the professional activist class will scream and scheme and fling promiscuous bigotry accusations at half the country because the end of AA is a direct assault on their perpetual project to rule us all as a vanguard class of philosopher-kings aka racial commissars. Leftist academia is a direct outgrowth of the Crit Theory will-to-power which was best exemplified by Herbert Marcuse and his desire to "liberate" society through heavy doses of "critical consciousness"--which is why his descendants can only suggest repeated applications of indoctrination as the solution to every setback. Theirs is a theological project, not empirical or scholarly, and certainly not with the best interests of poor black children in mind.
i never said marcuse tried to synthesize nietzsche, i just used the term "will to power" is not the same thing. i know all about his silly fantasy to turn homo sapiens into bonobos so we cd all fuck our way to "liberation" which intersected w reality as little as any other marxist fantasy does.
and why wd i care that brian leiter is protecting his academic turf? i dont need a prof to tell me what an aspiring totalitarian sounds like.
we can disagree as many people do about marcuse, but he is certainly History's least grateful refugee, having been rescued from the Nazis only to denounce his host country.
his entire career was just sour grapes after his beloved marxist religion turned into one giant bacchanal of mass murder.
Racism is Forever aka Everything is Oppression is one of the foundational dogmas of leftist academia (along w the Blank Slate). Of course the professional activist class will scream and scheme and fling promiscuous bigotry accusations at half the country because the end of AA is a direct assault on their perpetual project to rule us all as a vanguard class of philosopher-kings aka racial commissars. Leftist academia is a direct outgrowth of the Crit Theory will-to-power which was best exemplified by Herbert Marcuse and his desire to "liberate" society through heavy doses of "critical consciousness"--which is why his descendants can only suggest repeated applications of indoctrination as the solution to every setback. Theirs is a theological project, not empirical or scholarly, and certainly not with the best interests of poor black children in mind.
LOL Marcuse tried to synthesize Freud and Marx, not Nietzsche and Marx! As Brian Leiter has pointed out, Marcuse was <a href="https://leiterreports.typepad.com/blog/2021/02/condescenion-from-below-watch-matt-taibbi-edition.html">basically a Millian</a>>
Here is an interview with Marcuse from 1978:
i never said marcuse tried to synthesize nietzsche, i just used the term "will to power" is not the same thing. i know all about his silly fantasy to turn homo sapiens into bonobos so we cd all fuck our way to "liberation" which intersected w reality as little as any other marxist fantasy does.
and why wd i care that brian leiter is protecting his academic turf? i dont need a prof to tell me what an aspiring totalitarian sounds like.
we can disagree as many people do about marcuse, but he is certainly History's least grateful refugee, having been rescued from the Nazis only to denounce his host country.
his entire career was just sour grapes after his beloved marxist religion turned into one giant bacchanal of mass murder.